The biological treatment plant (2.8 m3) is made of chemical resistant and weatherproof material. The purpose of the biological treatment plant is to recycle the water consumed and, in this process, there is no danger of groundwater pollution. A biological treatment plant is made of high-quality polyethylene (PE) that is environmentally resistant, containers are leakproof, easy to transport and install. Our biological treatment plant’s maintenance costs are almost non-existent.
Good to know: * The electric consumption of the biological treatment plant is only 0.33kWh to 0.47kWh a day. * The biological treatment plant uses s2m technology, because of which the need for sludge removal is every 5 to 9 years. * Wastewater has no electrical pumps, mechanical parts and no voltage technology. * Extension modules can be added to biological treatment plant: Telemetry module – Allows remote monitoring of a biological treatment plant Module H – UV lamp disinfects clean water Module +P – Effectively removes phosphate caused due to rainwater
NB: When choosing a biological treatment plant, consider the number of inhabitants in the household
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